Naomi Hunter
for Saskatoon Riversdale

Compassion and integrity

Naomi Hunter has been involved in a listening campaign throughout Saskatoon Riversdale. She has heard the concerns of neighbours and is ready to take action on the main issues that you and your neighbours have expressed to her. It’s time to end poverty and homelessness, protect the environment and repair our crumbling healthcare system.

On doorsteps and at community events, she has heard the same issues come up over and over again. Saskatoon Riversdale needs a strong  and caring voice in its MLA. Elected officials need to remember that they are working for their constituents, not pushing their own agendas. Naomi is committed to putting you first and truly being your voice in the legislature. On election day she needs your vote to get her there.

Solar Jobs

SOLAR JOBS It’s time our cities, towns and transportation systems entered the 21st century. Canada’s city planning is outdated. Eighty-two percent of Canadians live in urban centres, yet our roads,… Read More »Solar Jobs


HEALTHCARE In Saskatchewan, we are justly proud of our healthcare system. Compared to the for-profit, private insurer system south of the border, we have far better health outcomes at far… Read More »Healthcare

Electoral Reform

ELECTORAL REFORM Voters in the West are demanding a more democratic model for voting. Naomi Hunter, Leader of the Saskatchewan Greens is advocating for a change from our province’s first-past-the-post… Read More »Electoral Reform

Climate Action

Inevitably, jobs in fossil fuel sectors will disappear. The Saskatchewan Green Party is committed to a fair and caring transition of workers from these sectors into new ones. This will… Read More »Climate Action

A Thriving Economy

A THRIVING ECONOMY A Saskatchewan Green Party government would implement “true” or “full-cost” accounting, whereby products and services are priced according to the positive or negative impacts they cause throughout… Read More »A Thriving Economy